By: Arne On: 24. October 2017 In: Ukategorisert Comments: 0

Tidetec was granted a new Norwegian patent 16.10.2017 covering the newest turret solution for Tidetecs turbine. This is one of more patents covering the turret solution that optimizes two way production and pumping in tidal barriers and lagoons. The patent application has gone further to PCT for worldwide IP protection.

Comment from Joachim Amland, CTO: We are very happy with this patent grant – we know that we are breaking new ground here – but it is allways good to get it confirmed through a formal patent grant. In addition – we know that we need to protect our technology as solid as possible – as we currenly provide the only turbine with over 90% efficiency and higher discharge possibilities than any of our competitors. This will have a significant impact on the Tidal barrage market once the power plants get going.