By: Arne On: 21. April 2023 In: Ukategorisert Comments: 0

Get insights into Tidetec’s technology for two-way hydropower solutions. CEO Arne Kollansrud will present three projects showcasing their technology:

  • CEO Arne Kollandsrud and Project Engineer Rachel Zeringue will present how Tidetec can solve the need for renewable power generation also when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing.

This is an opportunity to expand your network and get new insights about the fast-moving technologies in the energy landscape. Lunch will be served.

Our innovation platform Energy.Invented highlights interesting and innovative energy technologies and companies. We invite companies to present their energy technologies and innovations in 10-15 minute presentations. Each session will be dedicated to one company, the presentations will focus on technology, innovation, and business development followed by Q&A.

Sign up here!


Tech Thursday: Optimizing two-way hydropower