By: Arne On: 12. January 2024 In: Ukategorisert Comments: 0

Exciting times for Tidetec! Next week Arne is going to  present in Bristol 1-day event hosted by Tidal Range Alliance.

Arne will focus on our Tidal-in-a-box concept utilizing existing infrastructure as dry-docks and port basins for energy generation and energy storage.

Tidal Range Alliance One Day Event


Engineers’ House, BS8 3NB, Bristol

Book your free place Click here for tickets For non-members, please email:

The Tidal Range Alliance in partnership with Marine Energy Wales are holding a 1 day event in Bristol, to bring together our members, associates and stakeholders.

In the morning, we will hear from Industry and stakeholders, with 10 confirmed speakers sharing their news, views and next steps.

The afternoon session will be an interactive workshop to develop an industry response to 6 key questions/challenges posed by industry stakeholders. We will have facilitators on hand to guide you through the discussions and gather your input which will then be collated into a Tidal Range Industry position paper, as a useful report and output for the day.

We’d like as many of our members and interested parties to take part in this day of learning, discussion and determining direction. If you have a question that you think should be posed, please let me know.